Wednesday, March 30, 2011

some favs

Blood:Water Girls' Lunch Thursdays was on wednesday this week. Went to one of (my and) bloodwater's fav's: Thai Phoo Ket.

I highly recommend their Pad Thai, Pad Se-ew, and Drunken Noodles.
Thank you Nashville for making me love Thai food.

Another favorite: James Grosshans.
Who will also be located in Nashville tomorrow.

I'm such a lucky girl.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


oh what great capacity we have.

I'm watching The Social Network for the first time, on my laptop, while on Facebook. Kind of a weird moment.

In addition, I wikipedia-ed Mark Zuckerberg during the movie and found out he's 26. 26! Less than three years older than me. Someone who could most definitely be my friend. And he founded Facebook when he was 19.

Less than a month ago Facebook served as a vessel for liberation for an entire country.

An entire country. Free.

Oh the profound effect when ideas have legs.

I sit here inspired and convinced that my generation will do great things. There's so much to look forward to.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

valentine's day. my valentine. the dinner(s). and so so much more.

man oh man oh man.
life has been FULL and RICH and just LOVELY lately. oh love-ly.
Monday was Valentine's day, and I have the best Valentine ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

I got home to this.
My favorite flowers and a sweet note. :)

The flowers opened to look like this:
Aren't they the prettiest!?!

This week was SO FULL of just great things. I had an interview Wednesday at the Renaissance Hotel here in Nashville, kind of an iconic building and maybe one of downtown's largest hotels. It connects to the Convention Center, so it's kind of a stellar location. And guess who got herself a J-O-B there!?! Sweet Lord, thank you so much. I really enjoy my management so far and am very excited to soon be "your server, Sheena..."

Ok so also, in other exciting news, my sweet James came to visit me on Thursday and stayed for (a little more) than the entire weekend! Oh it was so great!

I picked him up in Chattanooga and he took me on a surprise date to the Tennessee Aquarium! It was the COOLEST aquarium ever, two whole buildings. It was such a fun time with such a sweet person. :)

Then we drove home to Nashville and I took him to one of my favorite new Mexican places, the San Antonio Taco Company, called SATCO (sat-co) in these parts. It's right in the heart of Midtown/Music Row, and also conveniently in front of Scarritt Bennett, one of Nashville's prettiest churches/an iconic Christian study center/place everyone wants to get married.

After a delicious Mexican dinner we walked around the grounds of Scarritt Bennett and even found the infamous labyrinth that everyone's been telling me about! It was such a great night.

The next day I had to "work" at Blood:Water Mission, if you can even call it work.
The great author and teacher Steve Garber had a special teaching session with the staff, and oh it was just one of those times that you remember for the rest of your life. We talked about the idea of living a life of vocation and what it really means to understand and operate out of the calling that God has for you. In addition, we talked about how to KNOW the depths of brokenness in the world, and yet still hold a certain core of hope and compassion that allows you to love and work in it.

These are all ideas and conversations I've been having with the staff at B:WM as we read through Steve's book The Fabric of Faithfulness. Life has been so rich and full as these conversations continue to shape how I think about my role in this world, my desires for my future, and the way I am choosing to interact with the ideas of compassion, aid, and help.

I got some good talk time with Steve after a delicious all staff lunch at Calypso Cafe, a lil' Jamaican/fresh food restaurant here in East Nashville just down the street from our offices. Calypso and Steve has just reinforced a consistent theme of being "well-fed" during my time here at Blood:Water.

Speaking of feeding, this big dinner with our board members, all staff + Jars and co. that I've been planning, organizing the catering for, and preparing the table decorations/layout/plan of the entire night was on Saturday. Sweet James helped my boss Aaron and I set up tables and move chairs around after we got back from Calypso. I've been super excited about this event, especially since it's really been something that I've been able to solely work on and see come to fruition. And everyone knows I love to throw a good party!

Later on that night James took me to this amazing French/Italian cafe here in East Nashville called Margot Cafe.
Margot's has got a great reputation preceding it as Nashville's swankiest and tastiest restaurant, and it did not disappoint. It was definitely such a sweet sweet treat with the best date a girl could have. I felt like the luckiest girl ever than night, which is definitely more than true! :)

Saturday was the big day, and was pretty focused on the Blood:Water Mission Board Dinner.
Our board meets 4 times and year, and one time a year they meet here in Nashville. It's the one time all of our staff gets to interact with our board, and we do so by getting together for a big family meal, everyone's significant other included. Planning for this event the past two weeks has been work, but the final result was oh so worth it. I had Copper Kettle, a great southern "meat and three" institution here in Nashville, cater in, and everyone LOVED it!
Coconut crusted chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, mac'n'cheese, sauteed veggies, eggplant parmesan, rolls and butter and the most amazing waldorf-like salad was on the menu. I'm still drooling...

The night went smoothly with the help of Yvonne, another intern here at B:WM, and my James, and it was so great! Such a great time to talk and interact with some really quality people. James was officially labeled the "rockstar of the night" and the "best boyfriend ever" (which are not my words at all, but the staff of B:WM) because he did nearly everyone's dishes afterwards without saying a word. He's so wonderful!

After the dinner, James and I traipsed around the Capital building, committing random acts of silliness among Nashville's most historic statues and figurines. It was quite the night.

More good food was on the agenda for James' time in Nashville. Monday came around, and with it were plans to meet up with dear friend Kaley at Belmont. We had a nice lunch at Edgehill's very own Taco Mamacita's. Best chicken tortilla soup ever. For real. How I wish we would've gotten a picture of all three of us together, but gosh I am just not that smart! And we were just having too much fun.

Seeing James off to Orlando the next day was so sad, but man I had quite the week ahead of me!

The following day, Wednesday, I spent all day on Vanderbilt's campus. And what.a.campus.
It was the third annual Global Health Forum, sponsored by Vanderbilt's Institute for Global Health, and Blood:Water Mission not only was invited to attend, but had a very active role in leading seminars and sessions on the ways that we are tackling the issues of global health. I learned so much, which perhaps I will reflect on in another entry, but it was overall just a really great day of continuing education. I feel so honored that Blood:Water would include me in it.

This weekend I have dear friends Mandie and Ashley visiting me! These two girls went with me on my mission trip to France last summer, which you can read about here. I'm so excited to have them visit because we have not really seen or heard from each other since our time abroad last summer. They are so sweet to come and visit me, and I think we're gonna have a really fun time exploring my new town the next couple of days.

Ahhh so much going on, and in the midst of it all, so much life and goodness.
Oh Nashville, this lil' vid just reminds me why I'm here and why it all matters. And oh Jesus, how you bless me so.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

my lil' attic.

God's blessings have been so abundant in my life right now. I'm just soaking it up and savoring each one.
One of my biggest blessings since being in this town has been my sweet little attic apartment. He has literally provided everything I needed.
I hope you enjoy this small tour of my new home!

My own lil' driveway.
look a my sweet CiCi, all covered in snow. Poor girl didn't wanna start this morning in the 17 degree sun.

My front door. And the infamous galoshes.

Living room! A bit messy...

My [teeny tiny] bathroom!

My not so tiny kitchen!

My first Nashville thrift buy was this print of a windmill.

My dishes and serving ware fit so nicely in these cubbies!

My kitchen!
I only have a microwave, hot plate, and toaster oven, but I make it work!

My bedroom!
So, upon vacuuming one day, the door all of my scarves are on blew open (it leads to more attic, but not liveable space) to reveal a full mattress and a recliner chair (barcalounger). Which my landlord happily gave me! Sweet Blessings!

my lil' reading nook.

That's it! My new Nashville home. I've got a couple more projects up my sleeve, but it's slowly coming together. :)
Let me know what you think!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

oh so magical

my world is a sparkling, shining, glistening winter wonderland today. the sun is out, the sky is blue, and the earth is shivering in a blanket of white.

oh happy day.


Monday, February 7, 2011

the drop.

Today is a rainy day in Nashville.
And, apparently, the temp is going to drop today and bring us about 6 more inches of snow.
My galoshes have been my best investment since I got in this town, because I am definitely using them on a day like today.

Oy vey.

But, my view from Dose Coffee Shop today is inspiring, lovely, and just perfect for a day like this.
My hopes for today: find a space for Blood:Water Mission's dinner with our board members. So excited for this.

Even more excited to have the boy with me that weekend. :)

I have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to.

And the next sip of this ginger latte is included in that.

Mmm, yum.

and fast forward 4 hours, (currently around 5pm) and this is my reality.
relocated to the apt, in order to avoid driving in snowy nashville MADNESS.
and it's snowing and snowing and reminds me of this.
which is a lovely thing to be reminded of...
but, i'm not sure how I feel snow (read:ICE) right now.

i might be missing my Florida sun.

Saturday, January 8, 2011